

March 12th 2012, The Iso Millennium Committee remind in this year 2012 50th anniversary of the Iso Rivolta GT. An extraordinary car, result of a unforgettable industrial challenge. Downoload the official postcard in the two versions ITAENG. Display it on your Isos during the meetings!


October 2nd 2011, The traditional little meeting for Iso and Isoisti has taken place today on occasion of the Bresso Feast “Madonna del Pilastrello”. The event was located in a quite small place inside the Rivolta Park, due to the full activity in the Iso Museum yard… anyway, the success was great!


September 9th 2011, The Iso Millennium Committee would like to say a big “thank you” to all friends who constantly send us great pictures of their Isos and Isettas from all over the world! We apologize if the publication of your pictures on our website often takes a long time, but we are always trying to do our best. Keep’n touch and thanks again!


September 3rd 2011, The celebration for the 55 years of the Romi Isetta - the first car entirely built in Brazil - has taken place today in Brazil. The overall organization was led by the Romi Foundation sponsored by Industrias Romi SA, which is currently active in the plastic molding machinery. Former employees , 45 Isetta micro-cars and a lot of people joined this nice event. Congratulations!


July 4th 2011, It’s official: the works on the Iso Museum Area did restart. In particular, in the last period between April-May the yard was set-up in view of important improvements which are ongoing all around, and especially in the north hangar (the future “polifunctional” area). The project, revised during the last 2 years in which the works were interrupted, will be able to offer much more services both to the museum and to the whole city of Bresso. We look forward to keeping you informed!


March 2nd 2011, We are pleased to announce that today the Italian national TV channel Rai Storia has put on air the PROGRAM "Ritorno al Presente" (“Back to the Present”), entirely dedicated to ISOs. If you missed it, can find it on YouTube, splitted in three adjoining parts. Find the link in our LINKs WEBPage.


January 18th 2011, IMC Members, sadly announce that Gino Recalcati, at 6.30 am of this morning left us. We will never forget him and his kind, generous, coherent, simple and faithful spirit. We will feel him alive hearing and watching our magic Isos vehicles, always bearing in our mind and heart the great passion and hard work he put in them during his long years spent as Iso employee: from the refrigerators, through scooters, bikes and Isetta, up to GTs and Grifos. Ciao Gino!


January 1st 2011, The new ”isofriends” Card is available. This year’s subject matter is a “Iso Lele” built in 1971, when this model represented the most strategic attraction of the Iso catalog. Happy 40th birthday! For further info: write to isofriends.


November 13th 2010, An important cooperation between the Iso Millennium Committee and the Italian National TV broadcasting channel RAI Storia took place today. With the additional support of the Bresso Municipality, a fantastic TV session was performed, encompassing certain interviews with former Iso employees (Pierluigi Raggi, Gino Recalcati, Tommaso Savino, Genesio Bettiga, Ermialdo Strada) and with Iso Millennium Committee members too. The external shootings of many Iso vehicles, directed by Mr. Eugenio Farioli Vecchioli, are going to be put in an official documentary which will be broadcasted in early 2011.


November 6th 2010, The Iso Millennium Committee proudly announces the prestigious victory of Mr. Darren Frank’s beautiful Iso Grifo as “Best of Show” on the occasion of the Car Club Jamboree which has taken place at Hilton Head Island (USA), among a variety of 200 other cars. In last October, Darren’s car had already won the award “Best of the Best of Show” at the 2010 Euro Auto Festival in South Carolina, USA, among other 500 historic and sport cars. Many congratulations to our friend and Honorary ISO member for his fantastic results all over the world!


October 3rd 2010, The ISO meeting has taken place in the Rivolta Green Area, close to ISO industrial premises. Certain former employees did participate to this meeting. Unfortunately, no updating has been given with respect to the Museum project, while the public procedure for the assignment of the works is ongoing.


August 1st 2010, A fantastic number of Auto Digest (No. 57) containing a cover and a special insert dedicated to Grifo 90 and to its ancestor, Iso Grifo 7 liters, has been published!


June 5-6th 2010, The usual ISO event at the Monza Circuit in the frame of the 58th edition of Coppa Intereuropa Historic Racing festival has occurred. This year, the Iso area has hosted the two “thoroughbred” cars, i.e., Iso Grifo 90 and Negri’s Iso Grifo A3, which offered an impressive performance on the track during the show.


April 26th 2010, The Iso Brand always provokes great interest and passion, thus being able to have expression in some wonderful creations. We would like to report an ongoing project for a new Grifo, named Grifo IR10, carried out by Messrs. Luigi Santibacci, Davide Panarella and Patrick Sincich, which has led to the production of the car model on computer. This model is extremely impressing for its cutting edge style, which remains strongly linked to the ISO Rivolta’s origins. A sport spider version of the Grifone has also been considered.


April 25th 2010, In the wonderful landscape of Cernobbio, on the occasion of the prestigious “Villa d’Este Elegance Contest”, the dream of Iso Grifo 90 became true. The car was presented by a group of Iso fans leaded by Mako Shark (Eng. Bonomelli), with the approval of Mr. Piero Rivolta. The impressive super-GT dresses the body designed by Mr. Marcello Gandini, whose static prototype was presented to the public audience in 1991. Albeit, at that time, its concrete production did not appear to be a realistic possibility, the passion and technology of Eng. Bonomelli’s Mako Shark has now permitted to start its production, that will be represented by a limited series of 12 models.


April 5th 2010, Bresso’s street dedicated to Attilia Rivolta has finally received its official sign. This street, located close to “Isetta Street”, is located on the former Iso industrial area, where - from the early fifties to the late sixties - the Iso test tracks were operative.


March 1st 2010, Italy’s most influential magazine in the automotive field, i.e., “Quattroruote”, contains a special article dedicated to the Iso Story, entitled “Dove c’era una fabbrica”, with special attention to the current situation of the premises. The article has been written by Mr. Stefano Vinelli, with the cooperative support of the Iso Millennium Committee.


January 10th 2010, We inform you that the Iso Museum yard will remain inactive for a long time, waiting for the works to be re-started. Since the Municipality of Bresso has determined to change the contractor, a new public procedure will be necessary in order to assign the execution of the works to a new contracting company.


January 5th 2010, The new ”isofriends” Card is available. This year’s subject matter is the “long nose” Grifo, presented by Iso in 1970, following the restyling performed by Mr. Marcello Gandini. For further info: write to isofriends!


December 31stth 2009, We're sorry to inform you that yesterday afternoon, around 7pm, the north hangar of the former Iso Rivolta (polifunctional hall in the Iso Museum Project) has suddenly burned. Some firefighters truck allowed to extinguish quickly the fire. On the structure are now clear the sign of the burn. All this is probably the result of a unconscious act: firecrackers or fireworks rockets (we're close to the finish of the year) were probably the source of the fire. This Iso Museum project yard, open since too long time is a contributory cause of this unpleasant accident. The Committee formally ask to the Bresso Town Council for take decision to react to this situation, protect the buildings, go on with the work.


October 5th 2009, Persisting delays in the Iso Museum area. In spite of more and more encouraging promises, always broken, works have not been proceeding since more than one year. The Committee is constantly monitoring the situation and pushing for the great opportunity that this area will represent for Bresso and the entire North Milan area.


June 6th-7th 2009, Coppa Intereuropa (Monza Circuit). The Iso Millennium Committee, together with Axel Gottschalk, Antonio Raggi, Roberto and Federico Negri, has prepared as usually a Hospitality for all Iso vehicles. The Iso A3 replica presented at Monza received a fantastic welcome.


April 26th 2009, We’re glad to inform you about the prestigious victory of the Iso Grifo Targa (1970) of Mr. A. Weisner, in the “H” Class “Italian Style becomes International”. Congratulation for this success that put again Isos among the finest cars in the world.


March 8th 2009. Iso Brand back to competition! Ambrogio Barni (Scorpa Yamaha 250 4T), young trial-race pilot from Cesana Brianza (Lecco-Italy), is going to start the Regional Trial Championship bringing on his bike the ISO firm, supported by Iso Millennium Committee. A nice way to remember the old times (the fifties) when the brand of the Bresso’s Factory was an active presence in Italian competition on and off road.


February 28th 2009. We bring to your attention, with pleasure, the wide space dedicated to ISO vehicles /history on some of the most important Italian historic motoring magazines: Grace (dec.08 – IR GT, Iso History, Isetta, Iso Museum, Iso Books/websites/miniature models), Ruoteclassiche (Jan.09 – Iso Fidia), Motociclismo d’epoca (Feb.09 – Iso Scooter 150), Automobilismo d’epoca (March.09 – Iso Grifo Targa).


October 5th 2008. The new Isofriends 2009 Card is now available. It commemorates once more Commendator Rivolta one century after his birth. Contact us for info!


September 7th 2008. Former Iso Factory Sheds. In the past months delays and interruptions occurred to the restoration activities. Now, the works has been starting again with the demolition of the windows columns that were typical elements of the façade. In the past month the Iso Millennium Committee together with ISO experts and enthusiast, tried to save all the elements making Iso Buildings recognizable as in their original project, with special interest to the columns. Unfortunately we have not been listened to.


September 5th 2008-1908. One century passed since the birth of Renzo Rivolta, founder of the Iso Company. Celebrating this special anniversary, the ISO Millennium Committee presents a new poster dedicated to the unforgettable “Commendatore”, who died on august 1966.


July 20th 2008. The Iso Millennium Committee commemorates Silvestro Casiraghi, recently died. He was a member of the Iso team in the 1954 Mille Miglia and a driver in the Milano-Taranto as well as in other motorcycle races. He was able to conciliate his sporting activity with his service as an employee in the Iso factory. He was extraordinarily nice, modest and enthusiastic, and had a peculiar ability to remind of historical events, always lived with humanity and a faint smile on his face… Ciao Silvestro.


May 16-18th 2008. The “Festival dei Musei d’Impresa” (Festival of Enterprise Museum) organised by the Province of Milan, was held at the “Spazio MIL” in Sesto San Giovanni. It featured a section dedicated to the history of Iso. This testifies the high interest around the Iso Museum opening in Bresso.


February 4th 2008. The “Visual Art and Museums" Office of the Province of Milan, is realizing the new “Cultural Card” concerning a new Network of “Museums of Enterprise” in which the constituting ISO-Museum will be important protagonist. In this phase the Iso Millennium Committee has furnished his maximum collaboration through the supply of documentation related to the Bresso’s Brand.


January 1st 2008. Punctually, as every year, for all the enthusiast and iso-friends is available the new Card "Friends of Iso 2008". Contact isofriend@isomillennium for further infos about it!


December 21st 2007. Thanks to all those people who have sustained the initiative of guardianship of the architectural aspect of the sheds. We hope that our suggestions find concrete application. Let's see!


October 1st 2007. The Committee Iso Millennium has started an activity of sensitization toward the persons responsible of the project for the recovery of the ex sheds ISO destined to the Museum / Polifunctional Hall, so that the original characteristic architectural elements are preserved, as for instance the front upper windows with their characteristics columns.


September 21st 2007. Today, Marion Rivolta Barberi at the age of 101 years, was missed to the affection of her darlings. The Committee Iso Millennium and the isoisti of the whole world are near to Piero and the Family in this sad moment.


June 2007. Good news from Bresso to all the Iso-Fan. Restructuring work in the former Iso Factory sheds which will host the Iso Rivolta Museum, the Multi-functional Hall and their facilities, have started some weeks ago and now are at full regime.

After the selective demolishing which began in 2003 and the works for putting the sheds into safety, ended in Autumn 2006, we realistically expect the first concrete results by the end of Spring 2008.

Follow the next achievements on these WEB pages … looking forward to see the Iso-Museum open as a real home for the “Isoisti” from all over the world.


January 2007. During year 2006 Iso-Friends from Italy and abroad made a concrete solidarity action in collaboration with the Iso Millennium Committee. All the money raised for Marion Rivolta’s 100th Birthday has been given to the Church of “SS. Nazaro e Celso” in Bresso. Many thanks from the Iso Millennium Committee and from the Priest of the Church, don Angelo Zorloni, to all “Isoisti” who contributed.


December 1st 2006. Here it is!!! In 2007 we celebrate the 50th anniversary since the last ISOSCOOTER was produced. In 1957, after 9 years and many Isoscooters, Iso stopped the production and started to build a new line of motorcycles.
The first 20 lucky subscribers of the new 2007 IsoFriends card will get a precious Isoscooter gadget! For the others the card+patch is available. Good luck!!


December 1st 2006. The 2007 ISO FRIENDS CARD is at last available for all Iso friends and fans! This year’s card celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Iso Rivolta S4 - Fidia presentation. This prestigious four-door saloon, which combined style and performance, was presented to the press in September 1967. Please ask how to receive the card to


November 12th 2006.  In the ex-Iso Rivolta area the works for putting the sheds into safety, which began in August 2005, are proceeding. The central gallery is already visible, as planned in the original project by Arch. Marco Cesana. After a competitive public bid, the second-phase works will be conducted by an architectural firm from Turin. However, the approach will be similar to the well-known project by Marco Cesana: the museum in the north shed, the multi-functional space in the south shed, both connected by the central gallery. In these structures, also visitor’s services as the restaurant and the café will find place.


August 17th, 2006. Congratulations to Gerd Eckstein and his green 1967 Bizzarrini 5.3 Strada for winning Concorso Italiano’s 2006 Best of Show Award at Monterey, California.
We proudly remember the same car in the Iso Millennium Committee stand at 2005 Coppa Intereuropa in Monza.


June 13th 2006, Marion Barberi Rivolta, historic Iso Rivolta President, has reached the important goal of the 100th birthday. An event of today, strongly connected with the last century: a time rich of achievements and satisfactions. The Iso Millennium Committee Members, greet the Rivoltas and wish to the kind Marion a joyful birthday! "Buon Compleanno!"


November, 9th 2005. The new “Iso Friends” card for 2006 is now available. It finds inspiration in the 50th anniversary of the Iso four strokes engines. Precursor of the Iso motorcycles equipped with the four stokes engine designed by Pierluigi Raggi, Iso 175 was in fact presented in 1956. Please contact  for more details.


October, 24th 2005. An important ceremony was held at the Aerospace Engineering Department of Politecnico University of Milan in the memory of Ermenegildo Preti, the engineer who released Isetta and also designer of airplanes and university teacher. An exhibition has been released and supported among others by Iso Millennium Committee. The exhibition included the small plane “Saltafossi”, the Iso and BMW Isetta, various drawings and pictures. Students were very much interested in the mini-cars. Also Pierluigi Raggi, trustworthy Preti’s collaborator, took part in the event, which culminated in the discovery of a shield dedicating an ultramodern aerospace laboratory to Professor Preti.


October 22nd 2005. “Iso Rivolta” Space has been officially inaugurated on occasion of “Mostra InCantata”, an event dedicated to Franco Trincale and set up in the hangar close to the one which will host the Iso Museum. Franco Trincale is very famous in Italy as a popular music songwriter and minstrel.
Emotion was great as some motorcycles and cars entered the old Iso factory after many years and could be admired by Bresso citizens. A photo exhibition has guided visitors through the whole Iso history. Interest on it has been very deep indeed.


October, 20th 2005. The old Iso Factory lights up again! The outline of the sheds returns to life after so long as a magic brightening the glass windows. What was a mirage for all true Isoist up to yesterday is turning now into reality…


August, 26th-28th 2005. Cheese and Chocolate Trophy took place this weekend, organised by IBICS (Iso Bizzarrini Interest Circle Switzerland) to celebrate the “Jubilee” for the 11th anniversary since their foundation. Iso Millennium Committee was present on Saturday 27th taking part to the charming Tour  of the Swiss Alps Passes (Novena, Gottardo, Furka, Grimsel, all of them above 2000 meters!) and to the gala dinner during which an update of the Iso Museum status has been presented to all international hosts (from Germany, France, Hungary, Italy and Switzerland).


May, 28th-29th 2005 – Coppa Intereuropa. Iso Millennium Committee starred also this year at this prestigious European exhibition of historic motorcycles and cars. The presence of Iso fans has been remarkable as usual, both from Italy and abroad.


February, 1st 2005, Dear Iso Fans, Iso Museum is coming up!!! Finally this picture taken with great delight and a bit of emotion at 12 o’clock of February 1st 2005, anticipates the final appearance of the Iso Museum…. Let’s thank Marco and the Iso Millennium Committee friends!!!


December 22nd 2004, The Town Council of Bresso has approved a resolution to save three sheds of the old Iso factory: this important part of the history of Bresso is definitely saved. This represents a great achievement four years and a half since the international petition launched by the Iso Millennium Committee.


December, 14th 2004, The Iso Millennium Committee has presented the status of the proposed “Iso Rivolta Museum” and “Multifunctional Centre”, and also all activities performed to rediscover the Iso Rivolta brand: international meetings, publications, Internet, vintage pictures and unreleased material (Poster of the event).


September 2004, the museum network “Milano città di progetto”, sponsored by Provincia di Milano and including the future “Iso Rivolta Museum” is presented to journalists and authorities.


September 18th 2004, The new book by Flavio Campetti “da Iso a Isorivolta, il fascino di un marchio”, published by Giorgio Nada Editore, is now available. The author was born and grown up in Bresso near the Iso factory, and he is a member of the Iso Millennium Committee. It has been the first book dedicated to Iso Rivolta ever written in Italian. The book contains lots of pictures, drawings, documents, covering all Iso history, starting from the origins of Iso to nowadays. Cars, races, places, everything is written in a very rich text, above all with and for passion. For more details, please click here.


May 29-30th 2004, Welcome to the Iso World Meeting 2004 edition: the "Iso Sports Meeting".
Downolad the Official Program.


April 2004, The new Iso World Meeting is arriving! It will start at Bresso and then will have Monza Circuit as main frame within the International Monza Historic Festival. The Iso World Meeting is open to all ISOTHERMOS, ISO, ISO-RIVOLTA, BIZZARRINI, ISO ISETTA, BMW ISETTA, VELAM ISETTA, ROMI ISETTA cars and bikes. Don't miss this extraordinary "Iso Sports Meeting"! Download the poster: click here.


February 2004, We have the pleasure to give notice that a new model of the ISO Isetta is now available for the fans of this famous microcar. It's a nice model hand made in small numbers. The scale is 1/43 and a Mille Miglia version is available too! To get more infos, contact directly the producer: click here!


November 2003, Dear Isoists! the Iso Millennium Committee is now working on the new international Iso-Event "ISO WORLD MEETING 2004"!
In the always scenery of the Iso-City a new great edition of the classic meeting of all the Iso-enthusiasts, with the traditional friendly and kind hospitality of Iso Millennium!
The exact date is not yet available, but we anticipate that the event will be held in one of the early week-ends of June 2004.


20 October 2003, The old buildings which hosted the assembly line of most Iso Rivolta cars are now being  demolished. This action is part of the recovering plan of the area where the Historic Iso Rivolta Museum, whose foundation has been strongly supported by the Committee, is going to be created. The Museum will be placed in three of the five main pavilions together with the multifunctional centre and the Iso Café. That’s a dream becoming true!


20-22 June 2003, Some members of the Iso Millennium Committee have joined the ISO ALSACE 2003 meeting organised by the German club IRCD and the Swiss club IBICS. After the visit to the National Car Museum “Schlumpf Collection” in Mulhouse, the GTs have arouse the attention  and excited the admiration of  the Alsatian people. This meeting confirms the great vitality of the Iso and Bizzarrini brands abroad


24-25 May 2003: Coppa Intereuropa. The Iso Millennium stand has been one of the most appreciated by the visitors, a gathering point for all the Isoists joining Coppa Intereuropa Cup in Monza for the magic Historic Racing Festival.  It’s been a great show case for the Iso world, as GT, motorbikes and gadgets roused the attention of the passionates. Further Antonio Conte’s Iso Rivolta GT 300 succeeded in being well placed on the track. We look forward to next year’s Coppa Intereuropa!


January, 20th 2003: Big step ahead in the bureaucratic procedure which has to be faced by the Comittee for the realisation of the Iso Rivolta Museum.
The City Council has finally approved the deliberation dated October 29th 2002, which stated the manteinance of two Iso hangars. By this approval, the local administration has been authorised to go into the further steps to the creation of the Museum.
The Urban Commission met the previous week in order to discuss in advance the objects to be voted duringthe City Council meeting. On this occasion, three representatives turned to be in favour, one contrary and two abstainers.


January 2003: Iso Millennium Comittee is planning to join the famous Coppa Intereuropa in Monza, one of the most important European meetings gathering together historical cars and motorbikes. The meeting will be held in Monza on next May, 24th and 25th at the Monza National Autodrome.
More than 20.000 passionates attended the event in 2001. Last year it did not take place because of the works for the modernization of the track. The Comittee invites who wishes to join to put in contact with Flavio or Irene for further details.


January 2003: The Comittee is evaluating the possibility to participate to the 14th edition of the Monza Cup, on October 25th and 26th in the glorious context of the Monza autodrome. This charming Monzese competition for historical cars will consist not only in regularity sessions, but also in fast-drive-tests and will be registered in teh CSAI national races’ calendar as a valid competition for the Italian Cup.
The Comittee will work together with CMAE (Club Milanese Automotoveicoli d’Epoca) to plan an Iso dedicated space in the paddock.
The initiative has just been projected, further details will follow in the next weeks even on the possibility to roganize an Iso Speed (a drive session on the autodrome track just for Isoists credited by Iso Millennium Committee to CMAE responsibles).


December 2002: On Sunday December, 15th Fortunato Zinni and Adriano Redaelli presented the most announced book “Bresso e la sua gente” (Bresso and its people) in the Council room of Bresso town hall. The book, apart from being a detailed and passioned reconstruction of Bresso past, from the very beginning to our days, contains a very interesting chapter entirely dedicated to the history of the Iso Rivolta.


November, 2002: VERY IMPORTANT GIFT TO THE COMMITEE !!! Our friend and painter Tiziano Brigoli, has offered to the committee, two pictures focused on "ISETTA", to be destinated to the future Iso Rivolta Museum. Thanks again !!!


How about tomorrow? Friday, October 18th 2002, ex Iso factory, indoor… the black-and-white photo highlights the melancholy and desolate atmosphere in the silent buildings, cleared up of all the goods which were stored here until yesterday. 
It would me marvellous to give new “colours” and “sounds” to this glorious building
losing also this piece of history would be really a pity.  


June, 9th: Isetta Day: official celebration of three Iso anniversaries: 50 years since the presentation of Isetta, 50th birthday of Iso 200 and 40 years since the creation of Iso Rivolta GT. During the celebration, the city council has officially announced the future realization of the Iso Museum and the CENTRO POLIFUNZIONALE. 


June, 8th: official beginning of Iso World Meeting, offering guests the possibility to experience a fantastic fast drive session on Bresso airport track. 


June, 7th: continuous succession of guests coming to the great Bresso Meeting, among others Leonardo Correa Luna from Montevideo, Uruguay. 


June, 8th – 9th 2002 : date of the new ISO WORLD MEETING AT BRESSO 2002. The ISETTA DAY (June, 9th) will celebrate the 50th birthday of the Isetta.  


March, 2002: Andrea Zagato, manager of the omonimous and famous Italian bodywork, has commissioned an estimate about the costs for the retrieval of the ex Iso factory.
Piero Rivolta is coming to Italy in the next weeks. He has offered himself to support the project and is going to meet Bresso authorities for discussing about the destiny of the hangars. Yet the city authorities have commissioned the Iso Commitee the finding of private sponsors to finance the project of the Iso Museum, the Polifunctional Center and the Iso Café and eventual private associations, societies and institution for the future administration of these potential profits sources.  


November, 27th : great success yesterday evening for the presentation of the retrieval project of the previous Iso Rivolta area. More than three hundred people have crowded the hall and appreciated the idea. Among the special guests there was Pierluigi Raggi, designer of the Isetta and of the chassis of the GT.
Piero Rivolta, who could not join the event, sent an encouragement letter, declaring himself disposed to transfer in Bresso cars, motorcycles and prototypes from his collection in Sarasota, Florida, but only if the project of the museum is not distorted from the version which he positively valued. The Rivoltas were represented by his daughter Marella and his son-in-law Andrea Zagato.

The town mayor, Giuseppe Manni, answering the numerous questions of the public, has in general welcomed  the project explained by Arch. Marco Cesana, member of the Committee.
In the end, a videoclip of the last year’s meeting has fired the passions in view of the next event on June, 8th and 9th 2002. 


Monday, November , 26th 2001 : official presentation of the project for the retrieval of the previous Iso area by Iso Millennium Committee Member, Arch Marco Cesana, who will illustrate the features of his project to the city, the media and all Iso friends.  


November, 4th 2001 : Isetta is a cartoon!! Emiliano Campedelli, appreciated Disney-cartoonist, illustrator and scenographer has realised the project exclusively for Iso Millennium Committee. 
Emiliano Campedelli via Puccini 30, Cusano Milanino (MI) (Phone: ++39..02 6198602, Mobile phone:++39.


October 2001 : We are preparing the new event “ – International Iso Meeting
On the occasion of the Fiera Madonna del Pilastrello the Iso Millennium Committee will present to the city the project for the Historic Museum Iso-Rivolta, realized by Arch. Marco Cesana. 

August 8th 2001 : today is ready the first “Iso Millennium Web Site”, realized with the foundamental aid of our friend ing. Simone Cairo. Thank you Simone!

August 2001 : The  Committee has gathered more than 2260 adhesions for the petition pro Iso Museum. Many thanks to our Iso friends from Switzerland, Germany, Holland, France, Slovenien, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Poland, USA (California, Florida, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Virginia), Australia, Ghana, Japan and Italy. 

December 30th 2000 : P-DAY. Today the Iso Petition Campaign is at the start! 

On September, 30th and October 1st Iso Millennium Committee has organized the greatest Iso Meeting of the last years, just in the magical atmosphere of the previous Iso hangars. The event has met with outstanding success both in partecipants and public and strongly echoed in the press.


The Iso Millennium committee, Bresso